Sunday, 26 August 2007

Chuck Norris

Chuck Norris is a man/fighting machine/icon/god/ type person, who is famous, mainly in America, and Taiwan, for his roles in films and whatnot, where the cheesey kung fu killing with a chop of the hand type films are taken to a new level!
He has even had his own cartoon - Chuck Norris Karate Komandos

Search him on the google and [OMG] the stuff about him is hilarious!
He does a cameo in the film Dodegeball, as the third judge on the ADAA (American Dodgeball Association of America) which you might have seen?

The world takes the piss out of him basically!

check out the ten pages of pictures, quotes, jokes and videos here which is where I first found about him. Chuck Norris.

Or on YouTube where there are milions of piss take videos!

I salute him.

oh and i don't really know if he is famous in taiwan.

: )

Wednesday, 8 August 2007

Good bye

i'm going on holiday today, so i'm afraid there will be no interesting things for two whole weeks.

LEAVE IDEAS for everyone else!

and copy links to funny videos, and games.


: ]

i'm waving!

Saturday, 4 August 2007


This Is For Bored People's first ever competition right here.

All you have to do is write a caption for this here picture, and the funniest one wins!
simple as.
SO, the funnier your caption, the more likely you will be of winning the super nang prize. Which I haven't thought of yet : )

click on the COMMENT button to enter, and leave your name.



go and see it.

Wednesday, 1 August 2007

Tom's Plan B Video

add to the 8,000 views of my homie's hi-lar-iou-s video of Charmaine.