Wednesday, 26 September 2007


Make a rap!

Yea man, Bored's second competition ever(!) is to write a rap.
Genuine enthusiasm has been made for this new idea, and even before launch, there are two potential entrants! yeah! two!

It doesn't matter how long it is, one verse, a damn essay, just as long as it can be fitted into the comment box.
Actually, If there are any longer ones, you can message them to me over MySpace or summink, and I'll post them up.

A secondary, optional requirement is that the rap has to somewhere include the word "Radiator"
It should give you a starting point.
Plus it's really cold at the moment and the word itself is making me feel warmer.

Leave your name, and I'll get back to the winner with a proper prize.

The best rap wins.


Oh and nothing like this please.

Click "comments" below to enter.
: )

Sunday, 23 September 2007


If anyone uses Photobucket or anything like that, for uploading photos, or whatever, then Flickr will BLOW your mind

You've probably heard of Flickr, as it's quite big and all, and the main difference between it and say, Photobucket, is that proper photographers, well at least decent ones, seem to use it, and it's really amazing to just trawl through all the photos.
Type in random words, and there will probably be pages and pages of results.
Just have a look!

Most people won't find it interesting, but, well, it actually is. So there!


Thursday, 20 September 2007


Blog for bored people. All the best links competitions and stuff for the bored, by the bored. Funny videos. Ideas. Many ideas. An insightful view into the mind of the bored.
Bored people.
The bored.
Very bored people.
People who are bored.
People who are bored of being bored.
People who want to waste time.
People who want to share how they fight boredom.

[ sorry about this, it's crap, I know, I only did this post in a hope to get this blog higher up on google - I know, I'm a sucker. ]


Strange Links from The Guide

Here's a list of suggestions from The Guardian Guide, which I always read and laugh at.
They are so random they are scary.
Someone had to go and find all of these to make an article you know. How sad. And then even sadder people take them to put on their blogs.
You could still check them out anyway? Waste a few minutes?!

SuperHero powers that would be more trouble than they are worth LINK

The museum of Hoaxes. This is a museum of Hoaxes I think LINK

The true story of a burglar who broke into a home to replace what he'd stolen. LINK

What Edward Scissorhands multiplied by Slutty Minnie Mouse equals..... LINK

The best/worst Formula 1 crashes LINK

How to play Faceball (their slogan is 'Your Face, Our balls!") LINK

A reason to wake up - I like this! LINK

And lastly, How to dance, By James Brown. LINK

Ha ha, and also, leastly, How to Dance, by Elijah Wood. LINK

There you go!

any other random links, let me know!


Is one of the funniest films for a long time, and it's not one that you'd want to see with anyone other than some mates.
It's really quite good!

Even if you've already seen it, don't you want to see it again?
Here's a clip all about Fogel, the legend that is!

and here's one about Seth, and his disorder : )
bloody hilarious! !@£$%!@

Wednesday, 5 September 2007

1234 shoreditch festival

Was really good!

got some photos....

Strange man swinging a pair of long socks around

Shy Child (pictured above) were brilliant.

Seen any bands live this summer that you want to show off about? click comment if yes!

A perfect summer's day man.

Tuesday, 4 September 2007


And the winner is...

Jack Hurdidge.
with this entry.

come on jason, where are you. how can you leave your grandad oout here all this time. oh, maybe that shop sells david beckham clothes. il go see.

it made me laugh the most, therefore it wins!

I'm in the process of creating a certificate for Jack, which i will have to send him over msn or something.

Congratulations, BIG UP JACK!

another competition is on the way, and hopefully it'll be a bit better.

Saturday, 1 September 2007

Tom's second video

Have another butchers, this one's just as good!
oh yeah, and i'm in it.
when it goes, "you can't be a happy person- when you're dead and buried" i'm the cheesy smiling happy person.

yeah man.