Thursday 28 February 2008


please, please go on The Sequel, which is my new venture.


or click here.

Add me and send me a hello message and post bulletins and stuff. Thankyou!

Tuesday 18 December 2007

Definately for bored people, this.

What a good idea this is to stop being bored! Why didn't I think of it before?!

This video shows the best flipbook ever made, probably, and if it only had sound effects, it would be like watching Transformers on TV.
After watching this, I tried to make my own flipbook showing a man dodging a bullet, but I ended up wasting three pieces of paper.

If it isnpires you, let me know, then we can start a club of flipbookers.

How's 'at?

And remember, go on The Sequel. sequel to bored

and add it of course.

It's the new version of this wasteman site dur.

Tuesday 27 November 2007

A beatboxing chef?

The nangest video ever! Whatever next, eh? A break-dancing librarian?

Monday 19 November 2007

Oh well.

It was fun while it lasted.
Oh wait, it's still going on!
But in a different location.

I'm moving This Is For Bored People to MySpace, it's becoming a MySpace blog. Sorry guys.

I thought that it's the best way of making it a little bit more popular because frankly, I know I'm the only person who goes on this. : ( Each time I check back to see how many people have been on it, or left a comment, it's always one more than when I last went on it, which means oh, that one more was just me. Who am I kidding.

I'm still quite determined to carry it on though, I think it's a good idea, and one of my goals for the summer was to make a website, and I did just that.
It just so happens that I enjoy doing it, so there's definately more to come!
I'm not going away. unfortunately!

If there's something bad about the new blog, just freaking tell me. I will improve it. If anyone has any ideas, freaking tell me. If anyone wants to write their own posts, they freaking can! I'll post them!

I purposely made it a Music MySpace because then there will be free music downloads galore.

There needs to be some changes though. A new name? Yep. A new approach? Maybe. I like the layout though. Grey, red, purple, sophisticated - what's not to love!

Hopefully, people out there will get more involved. People will actually go on it because they are interested, not because I posted a fancy link in a bulletin and want me to shut up. However, I do really appreciate all the people who have actually shown some interest in this.

Click below to be taken to the new MySpace.

The Sequel!

Add me and subscribe to the blog!
It'll be good. Or at least better.

Thanks for your support everyone, it means a lot to me. Seriously.


: )

Thursday 15 November 2007

Thumbs up!

So yeah, if you type 'bored people' into Google, have a look at what crops up on the THE FIRST PAGE!

I knew it would amaze you!

No wait, this news deserves two thumbs up.

Tuesday 13 November 2007

Super Song of the Week - 2

Or should it be Super Songs of the Week?

Because theres two this time. (smiley face.)

This song was found in the depths of, and is a nice little song with synthy guitars and a big, well produced sound - It's really easy to listen to as well.

Download : The Snake The Cross The Crown - Hot anger, soon cold

I can't quite decide the next tunage, there's a few options and I want you smelly people to let me know what you want.

1) A remix of a well known indie classic which completely changes the song and makes it sound grrrrreat,
2) A new song from a nerdy american hip hop underdog,
3) Little april showers from Bambi - (on the vodafone advert)
Or lastly,
4) One of my favourite songs of all time.

Ok, well download the first song for now by clicking on the above link which takes you to the z-share website, where I know there's an annoying pop up, and then click the 'download this file' button.

Then let me know which of the four songs I should put up next.
: )

[UPDATE] : oh and what do you think of the new layout? better? worse? couldn't care less? commmet please!
Oh and the below picture inicates with the yellow arrow where the download now button is, and not the banner saying "BRITNEY EXPOSED!"

Wednesday 31 October 2007

Comeptition #3

[Update] : Closing date extended to 7:00pm, November 22nd.

Well it looks like the only thing which people come on this blog for is competitions, so I'll do another one!
"Yay!" I hear you cry!
"Yay!" I return, slightly sad and sarcastically.

The This Is For Bored People's Paint Competition.

That is the competition, just to say that phrase - the this is for bored people's paint competition - over and over again really quick and record yourself.
Okay, not really, here's the real idea...

Everyone has Paint or Appleworks, and everyone who is here looking upon this page has a mouse or trackpad. So you have to 'Paint' me a picture! It can be of anything you like.


  • There must be no Googling for examples which you pass off as your own work.
  • Included somewhere in it, you must write the word 'Bored'.
  • errrrm I can't think of any more.
You could get a photo and add to it, you could start from scratch, it can be any size, whatever.

How man?

Once you have painted your picture, be sure to save it preferably as a Jpeg file which can usually be done by clicking 'Save as...' then choosing the right file type. So this will allow you to upload your picture to Photobucket or any other image handling site wich you might use. I know I slated Photobucket before, but it gives you links to your pictures, which is quite good, plus EVRYONE has it.
Go back to this page, click comment and copy the 'direct link' code from your picture, so that other people can copy this into their browsers in order to have a look.
Click on comments below to see my example...

Please have a go, It doesn't matter how good it is!

The closing date is Thursday 15th November, with a potential of an extension so you got bare loads of time.

And yes, there will be a prize. But perhaps not as hefty as the last one.

Poster no.1 - I will be pasting these up at every metaphorical cyber brick wall I can find.

If you have any questions, write a comment, or ask me on MySpace.