Tuesday, 18 December 2007

Definately for bored people, this.

What a good idea this is to stop being bored! Why didn't I think of it before?!

This video shows the best flipbook ever made, probably, and if it only had sound effects, it would be like watching Transformers on TV.
After watching this, I tried to make my own flipbook showing a man dodging a bullet, but I ended up wasting three pieces of paper.

If it isnpires you, let me know, then we can start a club of flipbookers.

How's 'at?

And remember, go on The Sequel.

Myspace.com/the sequel to bored

and add it of course.

It's the new version of this wasteman site dur.

Tuesday, 27 November 2007

A beatboxing chef?

The nangest video ever! Whatever next, eh? A break-dancing librarian?

Monday, 19 November 2007

Oh well.

It was fun while it lasted.
Oh wait, it's still going on!
But in a different location.

I'm moving This Is For Bored People to MySpace, it's becoming a MySpace blog. Sorry guys.

I thought that it's the best way of making it a little bit more popular because frankly, I know I'm the only person who goes on this. : ( Each time I check back to see how many people have been on it, or left a comment, it's always one more than when I last went on it, which means oh, that one more was just me. Who am I kidding.

I'm still quite determined to carry it on though, I think it's a good idea, and one of my goals for the summer was to make a website, and I did just that.
It just so happens that I enjoy doing it, so there's definately more to come!
I'm not going away. unfortunately!

If there's something bad about the new blog, just freaking tell me. I will improve it. If anyone has any ideas, freaking tell me. If anyone wants to write their own posts, they freaking can! I'll post them!

I purposely made it a Music MySpace because then there will be free music downloads galore.

There needs to be some changes though. A new name? Yep. A new approach? Maybe. I like the layout though. Grey, red, purple, sophisticated - what's not to love!

Hopefully, people out there will get more involved. People will actually go on it because they are interested, not because I posted a fancy link in a bulletin and want me to shut up. However, I do really appreciate all the people who have actually shown some interest in this.

Click below to be taken to the new MySpace.

The Sequel!

Add me and subscribe to the blog!
It'll be good. Or at least better.

Thanks for your support everyone, it means a lot to me. Seriously.


: )

Thursday, 15 November 2007

Thumbs up!

So yeah, if you type 'bored people' into Google, have a look at what crops up on the THE FIRST PAGE!

I knew it would amaze you!

No wait, this news deserves two thumbs up.

Tuesday, 13 November 2007

Super Song of the Week - 2

Or should it be Super Songs of the Week?

Because theres two this time. (smiley face.)

This song was found in the depths of Purevolume.com, and is a nice little song with synthy guitars and a big, well produced sound - It's really easy to listen to as well.

Download : The Snake The Cross The Crown - Hot anger, soon cold

I can't quite decide the next tunage, there's a few options and I want you smelly people to let me know what you want.

1) A remix of a well known indie classic which completely changes the song and makes it sound grrrrreat,
2) A new song from a nerdy american hip hop underdog,
3) Little april showers from Bambi - (on the vodafone advert)
Or lastly,
4) One of my favourite songs of all time.

Ok, well download the first song for now by clicking on the above link which takes you to the z-share website, where I know there's an annoying pop up, and then click the 'download this file' button.

Then let me know which of the four songs I should put up next.
: )

[UPDATE] : oh and what do you think of the new layout? better? worse? couldn't care less? commmet please!
Oh and the below picture inicates with the yellow arrow where the download now button is, and not the banner saying "BRITNEY EXPOSED!"

Wednesday, 31 October 2007

Comeptition #3

[Update] : Closing date extended to 7:00pm, November 22nd.

Well it looks like the only thing which people come on this blog for is competitions, so I'll do another one!
"Yay!" I hear you cry!
"Yay!" I return, slightly sad and sarcastically.

The This Is For Bored People's Paint Competition.

That is the competition, just to say that phrase - the this is for bored people's paint competition - over and over again really quick and record yourself.
Okay, not really, here's the real idea...

Everyone has Paint or Appleworks, and everyone who is here looking upon this page has a mouse or trackpad. So you have to 'Paint' me a picture! It can be of anything you like.


  • There must be no Googling for examples which you pass off as your own work.
  • Included somewhere in it, you must write the word 'Bored'.
  • errrrm I can't think of any more.
You could get a photo and add to it, you could start from scratch, it can be any size, whatever.

How man?

Once you have painted your picture, be sure to save it preferably as a Jpeg file which can usually be done by clicking 'Save as...' then choosing the right file type. So this will allow you to upload your picture to Photobucket or any other image handling site wich you might use. I know I slated Photobucket before, but it gives you links to your pictures, which is quite good, plus EVRYONE has it.
Go back to this page, click comment and copy the 'direct link' code from your picture, so that other people can copy this into their browsers in order to have a look.
Click on comments below to see my example...

Please have a go, It doesn't matter how good it is!

The closing date is Thursday 15th November, with a potential of an extension so you got bare loads of time.

And yes, there will be a prize. But perhaps not as hefty as the last one.

Poster no.1 - I will be pasting these up at every metaphorical cyber brick wall I can find.

If you have any questions, write a comment, or ask me on MySpace.

Sunday, 28 October 2007

Sam's Super Song of the Week

A new feature for y'all, I'm going to post up a free downloadable MP3 of a song which I think is quite good. Click on the link below and it takes you to zShare where downloading takes like 2 clicks.

This will become a regular thing so I need to think of a good name. Preferably cheesy. Like Sam's Super Song of the Week. Or something! Hmmmmm.......*beard rubbing*........

This song is a electro-punk-glam-rave banger, and the chorus with "Put your hands on your waist line, move your body to the bass line, get your hands after cheap wine!" = classic, and guarunteed to get you jumping around. Or hopping if you can't be bothered for the full two footed jump.

Late of The Pier - Bathroom Gurgle

Let me know what you think, or if you got a suggestion or request for me to put up.

Saturday, 27 October 2007

Video from the olden days.

On YouTube this video is simply called "Mad German Boy" and I remember falling off my chair laughing a few years ago when I first watched it. It's kind of worth watching till the end.
See, this is why I have a Mac.

Embedded Games!

Well for the moment here's just one. Let me know if it's the sort of game that you become addicted to or the sort that makes you grind your teeth down with frustration and anger, 'cause then I can change it.

Play Games at freeworldgroup

Tuesday, 23 October 2007

new strange links, dude.

Once again from The Guide, I've copied a few funny, random and slightly odd links for your benefit and amusement.
  • How the Play-Doh Bunny ad for Sony was made. - Link
  • Some classic movies spoofed on The Simpsons - Link
  • The 19th Century was the golden age of upper lip hair - Link
  • What someone who eats pizza for breakfast looks like - Link
  • The inner life of Ping Pong - Link
  • One thing leads to another - Link
  • What we should read next - Link
  • Boiling water makes crystal clear ice [which is very interesting in a geeky way] - Link
  • The mystery of Love, Courtship and Marriage explained [in a Flickr account with loads of boring pictures of old yellowed book pages] - Link
  • The saddest office in the world - Link
  • "Christ on a cracker!" and other non-swearing swear words [all of which I'm so going to use] [eg. "As easy as taking a sh*t in your bed and kicking it out with your foot!"] : D - Link
  • Radiohead's new album artwork revealed [or what should be...] - Link

So yeah, have a look at them all, maybe laugh a bit so I'm not alone in doing so, and suggest any more?

Reader feedback : )

ur blog is so awesome!
one thing though.
everytime i try to leave u a comment, the comment box comes up, but then wont load. do i have to make an account or anything?
lol the (w)rapping competition was too good. it just made me laugh and laugh"

To add your own feedback, click "comments" at the bottom of this post. Or any other post.....

I've got a Big, Bright, Sparkling new competition on the way. It's being drafted as we speak.
: )

Saturday, 13 October 2007

High Tech!

Here's the idea:

This here website (eSnips.com) lets you upload songs and download songs, yadi yadi yah, which is good but nothing special. The reason I'm mentioning it is because you can copy the Mini Player into a MySpace, or a blog, but I'm not quite sure what a blog is. I joke.

So I thought maybe just maybe, if anyone finds a really, really, really good song, they could share it with everyone here.

All you have to do is copy and paste a hench big code but that's no hardship!

I've tried it here with a Foals song, just to check that it works. Click play. I know it's a bit of a minger. Not the song, the big box. The song is awesome!

Get this widget | Track details | eSnips Social DNA

I know this is the sort of thing that noone will be bothered to do, but still, it's worth knowing as a place to download free music, without the whole illegal thing.

Sunday, 7 October 2007

The scariest thing I've ever seen.

I typed in "Sam" into Googlé and this site came up.

It's the worlds Ugliest dog, and he's won competitions and stuff.
This is a quote from the website...
"It was generally accepted at the contest that if SAM were alive to compete, there would not have been a question that he would still hold his crown. In fact, he was unofficially dubbed the "UGLIEST DOG EVER!" Maybe there will be a new catagory for next year's contest! But our sincere congratulations to Archie."

Sam is the three time, undefeated champ of the "World's Ugliest Dog" contest (2003, 2004, 2005). Woopty doo!

Thankfully he's dead now. Probably gone to hell.

Seriously, I'm warning you, he's ugly.

I'm going to delete this post. It's disgraceful. It's not something I should share. errrrrrm.

New competition on the way. Some new ideas as well. There's some new links in the sidebar➪➮➫➮→➟

And I'm looking for a new layout. Yes!

Saturday, 6 October 2007

The Winner

Right dudes.

Before I announce the winner to the world, I'm first going to say thanks. This has been so flattering and stuff, I mean, 23 comments! 17 votes! people do care! Something that I've done on T.I.F.B.P has actually created interest, enthusiasm and even discussion, and this has made everything worthwhile. ahhh, where's a violin?

Plus, since starting this Competition, I've had about 300 views. yeah man!

To the raps? Okay.

OH my GOD the raps are amazing! I'm sorry, but I was seriously expecting a few feeble ones with jokes for lyrics, maybe even a copy and pasted Kanye West song, or most probably just abuse telling me to "shut up white boy". But the standard of people's raps has astounded me.

From helping James write his in our english lesson, to the dissing/freestyling in Art between Jack and Sohail, or the fighting talk between Sno and Stroulgee the competition has been fierce. Fierce Like Fire... [ thought that sounded good?]
But down to business. I put it up to a vote to decide the winner, as you know, just because I couldn't decide. And it had 17 votes.
So, With 58% of the votes, I hereby declare the winner.......

Snow [ Jack ]

: )

His raps are basically poetry. Just amazing to read. Enough said. A very very very very worthy winner me-thinks! He did 5 for Pete's sake! Come on other rappers, admit it, they are good! Just read this extract from #2. Heartfelt doesn't explain them properly. Nearly made me cry!

but i aint your mate, i aint gotta show you
im not one of those boys, who takes out their fone
talking to no-one but blasting out tones
rapped by some kid, you know owns a gun
whos way to gangster to ever have fun
im not that boy, all that i need
is the pen to write and the brains to feed
so if you ever got something to say
never hide it, dont shy away
i did for too long, much too long
but now i know that my life is my song
so il compose it.

Cheers Jack, you put bare loads of effort into this and, well that's two wins out of two. People will think I'm being Biased!
The PRIZE MONEY will find it's way to you ASAP.

But, a word has to be said to Guy, who I'm making a worthy second.
His raps were deep, with an obvious care for the world and the people. And he also remembers his ghetto roots. Haha

Thanks to everyone else who entered. Voted. And just read the raps.

I am really really pleased and amazed with how successfully this went. I'm already trying to think of the next competition to do!

: )


Monday, 1 October 2007

9 entries...

...at the moment! how nang!
this is proper good, to even used a old word, I'm chuffed!

right, now...

Here's what's going to happen.

There is 9, no 8 (excluding me) entries, and after reading the first of which, I thought, nah they can't get better - Jack's already one (again).

But lo, the raps are amazing, ranging from hilarious, to serious, from political to plain stupid. And I can't decide a winner.
I have decided that the closing date is Thursday 4th October - 6:00pm
And to decide on the winner, I will put it to a public vote. Probably through commenting this comment with your prefered winner. And if no-one votes, then I'll have to choose anyway.

And, a new feature, a new incentive, and something which I promised I would include from the start but so far have given no details of, the winner will get a grand prize of.........£5, yes £5.
: )

Keep writing verses, put 'em in the origional post. I'll probably do bare loads of bulletins on MySpace to make people vote and stuff.

Thanks loads people!

[Update]: Just remembered - drum lesson now, so deadline at 7:00. And I havn't quite thought it through, cause you can vote as many times as you like in the poll thing on the side. Over there >>> so try and only vote once please! Thankyou
: )

This was Blazin' Squad, and quite frankly, they are jerks compared with these Rappers. Is that how you spell rappers? Or is it "wrappers"?

Wednesday, 26 September 2007


Make a rap!

Yea man, Bored's second competition ever(!) is to write a rap.
Genuine enthusiasm has been made for this new idea, and even before launch, there are two potential entrants! yeah! two!

It doesn't matter how long it is, one verse, a damn essay, just as long as it can be fitted into the comment box.
Actually, If there are any longer ones, you can message them to me over MySpace or summink, and I'll post them up.

A secondary, optional requirement is that the rap has to somewhere include the word "Radiator"
It should give you a starting point.
Plus it's really cold at the moment and the word itself is making me feel warmer.

Leave your name, and I'll get back to the winner with a proper prize.

The best rap wins.


Oh and nothing like this please.

Click "comments" below to enter.
: )

Sunday, 23 September 2007


If anyone uses Photobucket or anything like that, for uploading photos, or whatever, then Flickr will BLOW your mind

You've probably heard of Flickr, as it's quite big and all, and the main difference between it and say, Photobucket, is that proper photographers, well at least decent ones, seem to use it, and it's really amazing to just trawl through all the photos.
Type in random words, and there will probably be pages and pages of results.
Just have a look!

Most people won't find it interesting, but, well, it actually is. So there!


Thursday, 20 September 2007


Blog for bored people. All the best links competitions and stuff for the bored, by the bored. Funny videos. Ideas. Many ideas. An insightful view into the mind of the bored.
Bored people.
The bored.
Very bored people.
People who are bored.
People who are bored of being bored.
People who want to waste time.
People who want to share how they fight boredom.

[ sorry about this, it's crap, I know, I only did this post in a hope to get this blog higher up on google - I know, I'm a sucker. ]


Strange Links from The Guide

Here's a list of suggestions from The Guardian Guide, which I always read and laugh at.
They are so random they are scary.
Someone had to go and find all of these to make an article you know. How sad. And then even sadder people take them to put on their blogs.
You could still check them out anyway? Waste a few minutes?!

SuperHero powers that would be more trouble than they are worth LINK

The museum of Hoaxes. This is a museum of Hoaxes I think LINK

The true story of a burglar who broke into a home to replace what he'd stolen. LINK

What Edward Scissorhands multiplied by Slutty Minnie Mouse equals..... LINK

The best/worst Formula 1 crashes LINK

How to play Faceball (their slogan is 'Your Face, Our balls!") LINK

A reason to wake up - I like this! LINK

And lastly, How to dance, By James Brown. LINK

Ha ha, and also, leastly, How to Dance, by Elijah Wood. LINK

There you go!

any other random links, let me know!


Is one of the funniest films for a long time, and it's not one that you'd want to see with anyone other than some mates.
It's really quite good!

Even if you've already seen it, don't you want to see it again?
Here's a clip all about Fogel, the legend that is!

and here's one about Seth, and his disorder : )
bloody hilarious! !@£$%!@

Wednesday, 5 September 2007

1234 shoreditch festival

Was really good!

got some photos....

Strange man swinging a pair of long socks around

Shy Child (pictured above) were brilliant.

Seen any bands live this summer that you want to show off about? click comment if yes!

A perfect summer's day man.

Tuesday, 4 September 2007


And the winner is...

Jack Hurdidge.
with this entry.

come on jason, where are you. how can you leave your grandad oout here all this time. oh, maybe that shop sells david beckham clothes. il go see.

it made me laugh the most, therefore it wins!

I'm in the process of creating a certificate for Jack, which i will have to send him over msn or something.

Congratulations, BIG UP JACK!

another competition is on the way, and hopefully it'll be a bit better.

Saturday, 1 September 2007

Tom's second video

Have another butchers, this one's just as good!
oh yeah, and i'm in it.
when it goes, "you can't be a happy person- when you're dead and buried" i'm the cheesy smiling happy person.

yeah man.

Sunday, 26 August 2007

Chuck Norris

Chuck Norris is a man/fighting machine/icon/god/ type person, who is famous, mainly in America, and Taiwan, for his roles in films and whatnot, where the cheesey kung fu killing with a chop of the hand type films are taken to a new level!
He has even had his own cartoon - Chuck Norris Karate Komandos

Search him on the google and [OMG] the stuff about him is hilarious!
He does a cameo in the film Dodegeball, as the third judge on the ADAA (American Dodgeball Association of America) which you might have seen?

The world takes the piss out of him basically!

check out the ten pages of pictures, quotes, jokes and videos here which is where I first found about him. Chuck Norris.

Or on YouTube where there are milions of piss take videos!

I salute him.

oh and i don't really know if he is famous in taiwan.

: )

Wednesday, 8 August 2007

Good bye

i'm going on holiday today, so i'm afraid there will be no interesting things for two whole weeks.

LEAVE IDEAS for everyone else!

and copy links to funny videos, and games.


: ]

i'm waving!

Saturday, 4 August 2007


This Is For Bored People's first ever competition right here.

All you have to do is write a caption for this here picture, and the funniest one wins!
simple as.
SO, the funnier your caption, the more likely you will be of winning the super nang prize. Which I haven't thought of yet : )

click on the COMMENT button to enter, and leave your name.



go and see it.

Wednesday, 1 August 2007

Tom's Plan B Video

add to the 8,000 views of my homie's hi-lar-iou-s video of Charmaine.

Monday, 30 July 2007


Hi I'm Nick, a Film boffin and a friend and colleague of Sam. In this short blog im gonna be writing a few short reviews on the summer movies i've seen and those which are coming up.

Transformers - I saw this film on friday, not knowing what to expect since being born in the 90's meant I didn't have time for transformers. I went to the film thinking it was going to be brilliant. It didnt live up to my expectations. It was a ok film but it dragged on a bit and was a bit stupid due to the fact that basically the robots were fighting over a dead explorers specs.

3 stars out of 5. ***

Simpsons Movie - Unlike transformers i went into this film knowing what to expect since i am a big fan of the show.I thought the film was gonna be good but boy did it beat my expectations.It was one of the funniest films ive seen in a while with many bizarre yet funny moments(A brief glimpse of Barts genitalia!) and the typical humour associated with the series i.e Homer putting a deadly hornet nest in the flanders' mailbox.

I give this film 5 stars out of 5! *****

Die hard 4 - I saw this film not thinking it was gonna be that great because after all, Bruce willis is an old boy now in his early fifties. I was wrong, Die hard 4.0 is a great film and successfully manages to combine violence and action scenes with a good story without it being a bunch of old tripe. The special fx are great and overall its a great film

i give it 4 stars out of 5. ****

Shrek 3 - I saw Shrek and Shrek 2 and thought they were great movies however Shrek 3 is ok but nowhere as good as the other 2 and in all honesty I think I can say the creators are running out of jokes as some of them in this film are really unfunny.

Coming Soon: The movies still coming this summer include:

Evan Almighty: Evan Almighty is a sequel to the Jim Carrey 2003 Movie,Bruce Almighty minus Jim Carrey.
The film follows the exploits of Bruce nolans ex fellow news anchor and now congressman Evan baxter as he is ordered by God to build an ark.To be honest although i haven't seen it i don't think its gonna be that great as the plot is really basic and the only good thing happening that i can imagine is the film ending much to the delightment of the cinema audience.

Bourne Ultimatum: This film is the third book in the series by Robert Ludlum involving the Exploits of Spy and Amnesiac Jason Bourne. I really enjoyed Identity and Supremacy as they were Spy films but 100 times grittier and cleverer.The film looks like it should be good with plot twists mentioned in the trailer including Jason Bourne getting his Memory Back. Also this movie looks like its full of car chases, similar to those that were part of the reason why identity and Supremacy were such good films. I hope my blog has encouraged you to go the cinema! ciao for now, Nick.
P.S Piracy is Illegal!!

[damn...... cheers loads nick!]

Sunday, 29 July 2007

New, Young, Local, Good, Talented bands

If you like music check out some of these bands because apart from being extremely good, their MySpaces contain details of upcoming shows which are usually dirt cheap to get into.

- An All Girl band, not likely to challenge girls aloud in their territory, but their songs are amazing, ranging from heavier almost hardcore style to gentle acoustic songs about city life and expectations.

sorry, I don't mean to sound like a stupid pretentious critic!
I am in the possession of an EP , courtesy of Robyn, the drummer and the songs can all be heard on their Myspace.
unfortunately, they live in Oxford, which makes shows difficult to attend, but check them out before a label swallows them up, which can allow you to say you knew them WAY before anyone else.

Rosco McQueen - Amazingly talented musicians, and lo, they are from my school!
Brilliantly Hyper tunes, drum machines, chants of "C-H-A-V!" bright colours and all, add to the effect of agressive electro punk type.
One of my aims this summer is to see them play, so if anyone else does, go and support them!

Sketches- Previously Known As The Chase*, and Sketches In Tecnicolour, This Band is on the side of Indie, and i mean just check out the list of quotes, on their Myspace saying how good they are. They have apparently grown, and developed as a live Band, since I saw them last summer.
Recent gigs at The Loaded Dog in Leyton have gone down well among my "homies" !

We Are Not Superheroes Anymore - New Hardcore Band, with a pianist, and they are becoming BIG, just check out their tour (the list is on their Myspace)...

oh, and the drummer has the best drum kit i've seen in ages! Actually, they're pretty damn as pop as hardcore can be.

Blind Kids See Ghosts - A Bit more Hardcore, They Have good tunes, and they were good live. Some good mosh action! ye-ah! So go and see them!

anything to add?

Saturday, 21 July 2007

Harry Potter

Some people bloody love it to the point of a weird obsession(see above), and some people have a weird obsession with hating it to death.

But I like Harry Potter. Don't know why.

I also remember how on our school ski trip to Colorado, a woman, said "Hey your from England? That's where Harry Potter's from!"
I nearly slapped her.
But this sort of Idiocrisy points out that Harry Potter has overtaken the world. Completetly.

Has anyone seen the new film? Apparently it's really good?

And the new book? so far I'm on page 30. go me.

Hermione? what are you doing?

But if you click on the comment ting just below, you can have your say.

now, onto page 31 for me.

[UPDATE:] The reason i've posted about it it because there is no doubt that a 600 page book won't take along time to read, therefore curing boredom?

Has anyone finished it by now?

Thursday, 19 July 2007

oh dear.....

the best five second video EVER!


I don't play all that many games online, (apart from funky truck found on teagames.com which is in the link section over there >>
but maybe this is because i don't know many good ones.
Slow internet doesn't help me in my quest for games playing(?) either but i've done some research and found some cool sites.
ch-ch-check em out.

1. amazingly retro platform games like adventure elf, Granny In Paradise, and a Sonic the hedgehog game are all found on GameGarage.co.uk

2. Channel4.com/games - this has loads of games, in genres and charts, with user feedback comments and ratings and stuff, so you know what the games are like before you play them. there are some really cool ones actually! (it's where i found funky truck)

3. Mellownade.com - apparently, this can be accessed through school's firewall.

4. College Humor

5. www.Miniclip.com!!!

"crypt raider" = ace game --> yes bruv!!

give it a go ... first few rounds are boring but once you get into it youll be hooked.... and the little mans feet maske kl noises =]

(from steff x)

6. wo there, i didn't do that much research.

7. Do not play Club Penguin on Miniclip.com. It's creepy.

8. But, do play Scribble on Miniclip.com. It's good!


what do you think of the new header?

and the included sudoku game on the right hand side!

like it? you better.

the included picture - courtesy of google images.

for which i thank.

Friday, 13 July 2007

Fantasy Football

Fantasy Football is nang!

it takes up a whole year, and is proper addictive.
If you get into it, and sort of care, it is really fun even, but i'm not going to admit it, as it's a bit sad.

What you do, is create your team, with choice from every available player in the Premier League, and then the players score points from how well they do in the real life matches.


And You get £100 million to buy your team with and then you can make as many transfers each gameweek as you like. For the girls, you can design your kit in pretty colours, and call your team something stupid.

You can join leagues and stuff as well.

go and sign up and whatnot.

then, join our league! [courtesy of the one and only James Hartnett]

the code for it is 99224-23541

Tuesday, 10 July 2007

A Sad Day

the waterfight has officially been cancelled.

the police have become involved.
they have stepped in the way.

the reason why, i suppose is justified, as they say it could very well be a huge target for terrorists.

dramatic eh.

sad, sad, sad day.

Random Stuff to do.

Suggestions and ideas from some strange brains:

Make popcorn,
you could try to lick your elbow,

The Impossible Quiz


remix a nursery rhyme,

start a Fantasy Football Team in time for the new season.

any more please?

Friday, 6 July 2007

The Water Fight Flashmob

This is gona be big.

This post was always gona happen, i've saved it till now.

I know quite a few people know about this already, and we ever went up there expecting it, but we got the days wrong.

so here's the real details.

Date: Saturday, July 14, 2007
Time: 1:00pm - 1:10pm
Location: Hyde Park

it only lasts ten minutes I thought to myself? But then I realised the small fact that it's illegal, and the fuzz may turn up, all hot, and will ruin the fun.

but shhh, no one needs to know that.

it's been organised through facebook, and the group which was set up has nearly 70,000 members. even if 4,000 people turn up it will still break the world record.

anyone want to go?

more details HERE, including a code of conduct! haha

Monday, 25 June 2007

BANKSY hunting #2


whilst wandering around Farringdon, and Smithfield, behold what i found!


beat this...

: ]

if you don't even like Banksy, and have other, better suggestions of how to not be bored, let me know goddamit!

Friday, 22 June 2007

BANKSY hunting

I will elaborrate on this further in the near future, but this is a good way of spending a day.
Put a pound (well, maybe 2 or 3) on your oyster card, and jump on the central line.

Banksy's art is actually protected, meaning that councils won't paint over the 'grafitti', so as long as people stop chipping his works off the actual walls themselves , the Banksy's should be everywhere still.

So far on multiple trips, and almost by accident, I have found 5... consisting mainly of the numerous Rat stencils which Banksy painted for years. But in Marble Arch is where we found the well known "what are you looking at?" which is quite funny, and impressive.

It is in the subway thing where you walk under in order to get to Hyde Park.

I was proud of this find!

Other locations where I found some are , in alphabetical order : Smithfield and Whitechapel (on the wall next to Atlantis Art Shop).

If anyone has found, and knows the whereabouts of any of my favourites, tell!
(this is one)

Or if anyone happened to visit Palestine, and in particular the segregation wall, bordering Israel you may have seen this which are pretty damn amazing don't you think?
Note : the barbed wire

Anyone? Anyone? no? ohhhhhh...... : ]


Fires are not fun, they don't work, nothing actually gets burned, the concequences are actually worse than you could imagine.

Thankyou, for now, that is all.

Saturday, 16 June 2007

Underage Festival

Finally, someone has pulled out the stops to create and organise a proper music festival for the younger variety of people. ( us )
I remember seeing somewhere about this monthly Club night which was started by a fourteen year old also called Sam, cor what is it with these cool Sams, and within months, acts like The Horrors, and Klaxons were playing at this Underage Club. This festival is by the same people, so i can't imagine it being anything other than brilliant.

Nang bands such as Pull Tiger Tail, Crystal Castles, Cajun Dance Party, Foals, I Was A Cub Scout ( - especially nang) and loads loads more indie/electro/type bands, are in the bill for the festival, which is going to be held in errr...... Victoria Park on one day, August 10th, split into 3 separate stages.
Oh, and it's strictly for under 19's.

According to the ticket website, it's £20 for the whole day, which I think is pretty cheap compared with full blown "Overage" festivals, like V or Reading.

Check this link which has details of all the bands in the line up, and places to buy tickets.

If you have more information, or if you have tickets already, beating me to it *meeehhh*, comment!

Friday, 15 June 2007


Hello, mY name is SAM! I am regular.

This blog is for all y'all, and i want it to be a community! I want it to be a place that you know where to come.
Hopefully, if all goes to plan (yeah, like I have one!), boredom as we know it will be abbolished, like the Jews from Kasakstan.

I want you to come here to find something to do.
I will do my very, very, very best, this summer, to post anything which may be of interest to you. cause i am BARE bored of being bored.

If anyone knows of anything, and i mean ANYTHING to do I am inviting you to help me out and tell me! tell everyone!
seriously, any activity, gig, rave, gathering, film, sight, event, flashmob, waterfight or anything which can be made a day out of, it needs to be here.

right here.

or here.


you get the picture.

but it's ok, nothing religious, or educational will be posted!

this summer will be brilliant, i swears!

we wouldn't want anyone resorting to doing this, now would we...