Wednesday, 31 October 2007

Comeptition #3

[Update] : Closing date extended to 7:00pm, November 22nd.

Well it looks like the only thing which people come on this blog for is competitions, so I'll do another one!
"Yay!" I hear you cry!
"Yay!" I return, slightly sad and sarcastically.

The This Is For Bored People's Paint Competition.

That is the competition, just to say that phrase - the this is for bored people's paint competition - over and over again really quick and record yourself.
Okay, not really, here's the real idea...

Everyone has Paint or Appleworks, and everyone who is here looking upon this page has a mouse or trackpad. So you have to 'Paint' me a picture! It can be of anything you like.


  • There must be no Googling for examples which you pass off as your own work.
  • Included somewhere in it, you must write the word 'Bored'.
  • errrrm I can't think of any more.
You could get a photo and add to it, you could start from scratch, it can be any size, whatever.

How man?

Once you have painted your picture, be sure to save it preferably as a Jpeg file which can usually be done by clicking 'Save as...' then choosing the right file type. So this will allow you to upload your picture to Photobucket or any other image handling site wich you might use. I know I slated Photobucket before, but it gives you links to your pictures, which is quite good, plus EVRYONE has it.
Go back to this page, click comment and copy the 'direct link' code from your picture, so that other people can copy this into their browsers in order to have a look.
Click on comments below to see my example...

Please have a go, It doesn't matter how good it is!

The closing date is Thursday 15th November, with a potential of an extension so you got bare loads of time.

And yes, there will be a prize. But perhaps not as hefty as the last one.

Poster no.1 - I will be pasting these up at every metaphorical cyber brick wall I can find.

If you have any questions, write a comment, or ask me on MySpace.


Sam___ said...


Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

The paint picture above take a close look, see if you can realise exactly what is going on...are there really two craig davids?

Anonymous said...

my efforts. blog promotion will cost £50 i'm afraid...


Anonymous said...

it got cut off
it is really

Anonymous said...

imageshack > photobucket
rebel people rebel!

Anonymous said...

Said the other one didn't work. ><