Saturday, 6 October 2007

The Winner

Right dudes.

Before I announce the winner to the world, I'm first going to say thanks. This has been so flattering and stuff, I mean, 23 comments! 17 votes! people do care! Something that I've done on T.I.F.B.P has actually created interest, enthusiasm and even discussion, and this has made everything worthwhile. ahhh, where's a violin?

Plus, since starting this Competition, I've had about 300 views. yeah man!

To the raps? Okay.

OH my GOD the raps are amazing! I'm sorry, but I was seriously expecting a few feeble ones with jokes for lyrics, maybe even a copy and pasted Kanye West song, or most probably just abuse telling me to "shut up white boy". But the standard of people's raps has astounded me.

From helping James write his in our english lesson, to the dissing/freestyling in Art between Jack and Sohail, or the fighting talk between Sno and Stroulgee the competition has been fierce. Fierce Like Fire... [ thought that sounded good?]
But down to business. I put it up to a vote to decide the winner, as you know, just because I couldn't decide. And it had 17 votes.
So, With 58% of the votes, I hereby declare the winner.......

Snow [ Jack ]

: )

His raps are basically poetry. Just amazing to read. Enough said. A very very very very worthy winner me-thinks! He did 5 for Pete's sake! Come on other rappers, admit it, they are good! Just read this extract from #2. Heartfelt doesn't explain them properly. Nearly made me cry!

but i aint your mate, i aint gotta show you
im not one of those boys, who takes out their fone
talking to no-one but blasting out tones
rapped by some kid, you know owns a gun
whos way to gangster to ever have fun
im not that boy, all that i need
is the pen to write and the brains to feed
so if you ever got something to say
never hide it, dont shy away
i did for too long, much too long
but now i know that my life is my song
so il compose it.

Cheers Jack, you put bare loads of effort into this and, well that's two wins out of two. People will think I'm being Biased!
The PRIZE MONEY will find it's way to you ASAP.

But, a word has to be said to Guy, who I'm making a worthy second.
His raps were deep, with an obvious care for the world and the people. And he also remembers his ghetto roots. Haha

Thanks to everyone else who entered. Voted. And just read the raps.

I am really really pleased and amazed with how successfully this went. I'm already trying to think of the next competition to do!

: )


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